About This Blog

I have had a wanderlust in my soul ever since my first family vacation.  Once I began to see the world, I couldn’t be satisfied.  Any chance I got I was getting in a car, bus, train, or plane – from school, to work, to personal adventure.

I also hardly back down from a challenge.  I am always pushing my limits, physically and mentally.  And, I am lucky to have a partner in my life that possesses a wanderlust and the same Type A personality.

I started this blog to share and save the experiences and adventures my husband and I have:

I write about gardening – what works for us, and what challenges we have when trying out new plants and gardening methods.

I write about outdoor adventures: hiking, camping, canoeing, rock climbing! Casey and I love to spend time outside and are always looking for new places to explore.

I write about new places we visit. Casey and I not only love to experience the outdoors, but love to try craft beer and authentic, locally sourced food!

I sometimes write about books. Casey and I love to read and learn.  Sharing my opinion about the books I love may help others find new books to read. So, on occasion you will find a book review post.

I live my life to the fullest, and am lucky to get to share that life with my best friend and husband!  My husband is an entomologist, and I sometimes get to tag along on his research projects.  You can check out his blog here, or keep an eye out for my posts of when I have joined him.

I hope that you can take something away from our adventures – but truly I hope to spark a need for your own adventure!

That about sums up this blog.  I would love to hear from you, so leave a comment on your favorite post!

Sacred Earth, Karekare, New Zealand

About the Author

Caitlyn Morin

Hobbies: Running, Rock Climbing, Reading, Yoga, Hiking, Camping, Knitting, Sewing, Learning New Languages, & Spending Quality Time with My Husband

Likes: Sherlock Holmes, Tolkien, Second Breakfast, Tea Time, Dystopian Novels, & Wine

Personal Note: Nothing makes me happier than being outdoors.  It gives me peace of mind, and I enjoy the disconnect from society.  My husband and I love to do multiple day hiking trips, but we will do day trips whenever and wherever we can.

Want to reach out to me? Send me a message here.

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